Monthly Archives: July 2016



Our team identifies your needs, explores the potential and supports the development and implementation of a strategy for grant awards.

A team of experts defines how you achieve and measure success.

Full Life-cycle Project Development 

We develop a comprehensive project portfolio for you and we maximize the value of your project portfolio management.

Project Management

We establish vision and deliverables and ensure that your project is well on track even before it has started, by allocating resources effectively. We focus on:

  • Evaluating projects using suitable and systematic methods
  • Planning of resources 
  • Performing a Cost Benefit Analysis 
  • Getting timely access to required information 
  • Preparing project reports on a regular basis

Plan - manage - deliver - close


Do the best out of your financial resources

Comprehensive Project Cost Management

Resource planning, Cost estimating, Cost budgeting, Cost control. Our experts determine resources, estimate and allocate the costs, make changes in the budget. 

Evaluation and Planning of resources

We establish indicators and measure/ monitor the project's financial performance on a  periodical basis. Step by step planning, forecast and execution.

Precise reporting

We meet your needs by accurate reporting in a timely manner always adhering to the set of rules and conditions.


Build up your Communication plan 

Invest in an effective dissemination strategy to have the audience be aware of your results. We help you build your plan and we identify for you the quantitative and qualitative indicators.

Communicate with your partners 

We help you to establish your quality standards of internal and external communication protocols. We help you distribute your project material to partners and to the third parties. 

Promote your achievements and raise awareness

Identify the proper and most suitable tools and methods for an effective dissemination activity based on a comprehensive Dissemination Action Plan (DAP). Make sure that project results reach the right target audiences.


IMS R&D experts implement a large number of projects in a variety of  fields and they  bring forth this experience and know-how specifically to new projects. 

EU programs such as European Territorial Cooperation Programs (Integer Cross Border Cooperation, ENPICBC Med, MED), LIFE & LIFE+, FP7, Erasmus+.

Senior members of the Organization include people with extensive experience and knowledge of educational and research thrives in Europe, who extend the framework of action and perspectives in the field of scientific development in educational, societal and environmental fields.


IMS – RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT CENTRE is a non-profit organization based in Limassol, with a view to scientific and innovative excellence. 

IMS R&D supports all technologies and services that have a positive life cycle impact on

  • Education and career planning
  • Social development issues
  • Environment

Since its establishment in 2015, IMS R&Dhas established a wealth of initiatives, which have made us a highly specialized organization in the following indicative fields of expertise.

Research & Innovation  

IMS R&D supports new research modules by applying new characteristics and approaches in non-traditional educational modules, social trends and mechanisms and advanced research.

The Centre’s circle of activity covers a range of fields such as Education, Social Sciences, Environmental Science and Technology, Ecology, Chemical Engineering, Marine Engineering.

Education and training

Conducts specific studies and research for the development of creative thinking and learning in teaching modules by assisting in applying complimentary areas of knowledge to specific subjects in the School.

In close cooperation and interaction with IMS Private School supports comprehensive learning and introduces experimental learning by studying the practical aspect of science in applied research.


Focuses on the development of an Academia - Industry portfolio that constitutes the basic parameter for the establishment of a career development and planning centre.

Along with IMS Private School, IMS R&D endorses on the development of new counselling modules to assist students through experimental learning.

Start-up assistance and guidance is provided to students supporting the entrepreneurial spirit in youth.

Employment and social inclusion

Endorses the implementation of certain principles and goals that support the definition of the educational identity in relation with the development of students’ personality and their participation in the labour market and the society in general.

European Identity

 Engages on a dialogue as a means for establishing a personal identity in the framework of European citizenship and a constantly changing world.



During the first year of its operation, IMS R&D participated in 44 proposals, under:

  • Erasmus+,
  • the Interreg Med Cooperation programme 2014-2020
  • Interreg Balkan Mediterranean programme
  • HORIZON 2020

Its participation is mainly addressing societal and environmentalissues as well as scientific excellence in education.


Toolkit for Caring and Empowering European Older Adults

The Project is addressing the SMART AGEING concept in terms of developing skills in Health&Care, Digital Inclusion, Citizenship, and Lifelong

Promoting the digitization and integration of Health and Care, in terms of older adults empowered to manage their own lives and health and care, intensification of interactions between the person, health and care, more interactions mediated by technological and digital solutions, and humanization of technological and digital innovation.

Promoting sustainable and inclusive ageing in terms of design solutions that guarantee conditions so that the older adult has the freedom to live, autonomous and independent, one's own identity, culture, group or partner, sexuality, ideology, religion, but also to guarantee the sustainability of the world for future generations.

Promoting education for ageing and lifelong, with special focus on technological and digital education, healthy and active lifestyles, European citizenship in family, work, retirement, social participation, rights and legislation, violence, and neglect, and retraining of skills, entrepreneurship, and professional careers.

231002_Handbook - Kick Off Oct 2023 [Read-Only]

Healthy at school. Supporting the well-being and mental health of students and teachers


Our Erasmus+ project, “Healthy at School” aims to improve the physical and mental health of students and teachers by strengthening the capacity of educational institutions to develop strategies and training programs that will promote a healthy environment that effectively fosters the well-being of everybody involved in the educational process.

"Women in STEM - overcoming stereotypes", a new ERASMUS+ project for IMS Private School

Our Erasmus+ Project "Women in STEM - overcoming stereotypes" is a Strategic Partnership in the field of higher education that will be implemented over a span of three years, by a consortium comprised of five experienced organizations:




IMS Private School, Cyprus

Association of Young Psychologists in Bulgaria, Varna

Project aims:

  1. Making STEM higher education more supportive, diverse and socially inclusive for women
  2. To improve the future career prospects, professional and personal development of women in the modern labour market
  3. To increase the motivation of women to pursue and participate in education and career in STEM

The project will produce the following results:

  1. Development and testing of programs aimed at motivating women for pursuing and participating in STEM higher education.
  2. Development of a methodology for overcoming/eliminating gender-based stereotypes towards women in STEM.
  3. Research and analysis of good practices and examples of successful women-experts in STEM fields.